Simultaneous Traces

Simultaneous Traces incorporates a group of works from important Argentine and Brazilian collections into the Latin American art milieu. This selection focuses on recurrent concerns in the interpretation of artists whose poetics emphasize intercultural relationships and historical memory as well as formal and sensory aspects. The curatorial project consists of three cores that situate contemporary individuals within the private and social context of their existence. Many of these Latin American artists live and work while moving from one country to another. Therefore, various interpretations about similar interests and problems converge in the itinerary, as well as the cultural footprints that each artist prints over the experiences gathered throughout the world. The dialogue between the works offers a set of “simultaneous traces”, which, rather than offering a univocal reading, challenges the spectator with new questions. The itinerary also articulates a space for dialogue between biennials through the screening of videos from the Curitiba International Biennial. 

Km: 2

Venue: Brazilian Embassy - Palacio Pereda

Address: Arroyo 1142

City: Buenos Aires



Jorge Macchi (ARG)

Graciela Sacco (ARG)

Paola Monzillo (URY)

Dias & Riedweg (BRA-CHE)

Vik Muniz (BRA)

Fabián Marcaccio (ARG)

Betina Sor (ARG)

Cildo Meireles (BRA)

Jac Leirner (BRA)

Mondongo (ARG)

Fabiana Barreda (ARG)

Geli González (ARG)

Fernanda Laguna (ARG)

Pedro Tyler (URY-CHL)

Pablo Reinoso

Pablo Suárez (ARG)

Hernán Marina (ARG)

Jorge Eduardo Eielson (PER)

Ernesto Neto (BRA)

Gisela Motta (BRA)

Leandro Lima (BRA)

Carlos Gallardo (ARG)

Fabio Morais (BRA)

Daniel Ontiveros (ARG)

Alberto Lastreto (ARG-URY)

Tomás Espina (ARG)

Diana Dowek (ARG)

Mirtha Dermisache (ARG)

Ernesto Ballesteros (ARG)

Sebastián Desbats (ARG)

Osvaldo Salerno (PRY)

Rosângela Rennó (BRA)

Voluspa Jarpa (CHL)

Guillermo Kuitca (ARG)

Fredi Casco (PRY)

Claudia Andujar (BRA)

Ying Huang (CHN)

Cang Xin (CHN)

José Bedia (CUB)


Cristina Rossi (ARG)

From 2017/09/07

To 2017/12/03