Environmental Awareness - Chapter 3: Artificial Paradises

Opening September 30th

Visits: Tuesday to Sunday and holidays from 10am to 7pm, with previous reservation at autoentrada.com - Admission: $250. Wednesdays: free.  The way the Dorians conceived the columns of their temples gives us a glimpse of what they considered to be an ideal way of life. We know of their sternness, their praise of discipline and their succinct, laconic manner of speaking, which was reflected in the chapitels that crowned their shafts. Though remote in time, this is a brief example that shows us that discourses, traditions and disruptions are present in every cultural expression, and that we all speak through them. The argument of this exhibition is ornamentation, understood as a source of reflection that condenses ways of being and of imagining worlds. Each piece in this exhibition highlights reflections on beauty to establish relationships with colonial heritage and family legacies, states of mind that permeate domestic spaces, scenes from a dream or from films that recreate them, masks that we adopt to represent ourselves in the world, as well as scars, mirrors, ceramic dolls and a meteorite that, on its way to earth, was adorned with precious stones and hair like Rapunzel's.

Florencia Qualina

Photo: Tratamiento, serie Fatale, Martin Sichetti

Km: 646.2

Venue: MEPF - Museo Evita Palacio Ferreyra

Address : Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 511

City : Córdoba



Carolina Antoniadis (ARG)

José Franco (CUB)

Alfredo Frías (ARG)

Florencia Caiazza (ARG)

Cynthia Cohen (ARG)

Karina El Azem (ARG)

Daiana Martinello (ARG)

Catalina Oz (ARG)

Débora Pierpaoli (ARG)

Dana Prieto (ARG-CAN)

Farid Rasulov (AZE)

Martín Sichetti (ARG)

Natalia Skobeeva (BEL)

Líbero Badíi (ITA)

Emilia Bertolé (ARG)

Miguel Pablo Borgarello (ARG)

José Cárrega Núñez (ARG)

José Ferrer (ARG)

Lino Enea Spilimbergo (ARG)


Florencia Qualina (ARG),

Curatorial axes:

Ecological Awareness



From 2021/09/30

To 2022/02/13