Clouded by the smoke and mirrors of progress, humanity has become a geological force with an undreamed-of power of devastation, while the digital revolution and its duplication of the world immerse men and women in the instantaneity of sheer present. When collective imagination is unable to envisage alternatives to avoid an imminent environmental catastrophe, the future becomes a threat. It is up to art to attempt to recompose the imagination of the future and empower our impoverished subjectivity to find new forms and redefine the relationship between society and nature.
After the future. Images to recompose the relationship society / nature
Km: 988.9
Venue: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Neuquén
Address : Calle Mitre y Santa Cruz
City : Neuquén
Cildo Meireles (BRA)
Gabriel Valansi (ARG)
Berna Reale (BRA)
Bill Viola (USA)
Denise Gadelha (BRA)
Ana Paula Oliveira (BRA)
Martín Legón (ARG)
Cristina Portela (ARG)
Silvia Rivas (ARG)
From 2019/07/23
To 2019/09/22