Margin of Error

Margin of Error explores Spain’s colonial past and present through a critical lens trained on the consolidated narrative of the “discovery” and colonization of America, as given in school textbooks. This work is the result of a series of collective exercises undertaken with a group of Spanish secondary school students and teachers which was filmed over three days in a studio. 

The project was created by the art collective Declinación Magnética, a group of curators and artists focusing their work on a post-colonial or decolonial perspective to dismantle the images and words shoring up Spain’s principal historical narrative. In parallel, the art collective is also exploring hybrid methodologies arising from the intersection of different artistic and research strategies in the field of the production and practice of knowledge. 

Km: 200

Venue: CCE - Centro Cultural de España en Montevideo

Address : Rincón 629

City : Montevideo



Aimar Arriola (ESP)

José Manuel Bueso (ESP)

Eduardo Galvagni (ESP)

Sally Gutierrez (ESP)

Julia Morandeira (ESP)

Silvia Zayas (ESP)


Diego del Pozo (ESP),

Curatorial axes:

Ways of Seeing



From 2019/07/25

To 2019/09/30