Factors 4.0

The art, science and technology festival of Rio Grande do Sul brings together artists from different nationalities and backgrounds as well as other emergents. The common denominator is the work they all perform at the crossroads of art, science and technology. Developed in collaboration between the UFSM and UNTREF, this project has a twofold presence within BIENALSUR: the festival at USFM and the MUNTREF Visual Arts show.

Km: 696

Venue: UFSM - Federal University of Santa Maria

Address: Av. Roraima, 1000

City: Santa Maria



Colectivo Electrobiota (MEX)

Mariela Yeregui (ARG)

Ana Laura Cantera (ARG)

Fernando Codevilla (BRA)

Leonardo Arzeno (ARG)

Gabriela Munguía (MEX)

Guadalupe Chávez (MEX)

Raul Dotto (BRA)

Walesca Timmen (BRA)

Grupo Robótica Mestiza (ARG)

Juan Ford (AUS)

Laura Nieves (ARG)

Miguel Grassi (ARG)

Paula Guersenzvaig (ARG)

Yara Guasque (BRA)

Eduardo Kac (BRA)

Guto Nóbrega (BRA)

Grupo NANO (BRA)

Gilbertto Prado (BRA)

Grupo Poéticas Digitais (BRA)

Rebeca Stumm (BRA)

Leo Núñez (ARG)

Sérgio Bonilha (BRA)

Ana Elisa Carramaschi (BRA)

Nardo Germano (BRA)

Leonardo Lima (BRA)

Luciana Ohira (BRA)

Andrei Thomaz (BRA)

Mauricio Trentin (BRA)

Agnus Valente (BRA)

Kaue Costa (BRA)

Moisés Canabarro (BRA)


Nara Cristina Santos (BRA)

Mariela Yeregui (ARG)



From 2017/08/31

To 2017/09/04