Argentine Voices

Concert: Thursday September 21th 4.30pm

This sound project presented in Argentina by composer Piero Mottola is a musical evolution stemming from a broader experiment known as Voices, which was conceived in 2015 to explore the evocative potential of voices from diverse cultures across the world. 

This project spans from China to South and Central America, traversing through Europe. It represents an ongoing experiment seeking to quantify the sound reactions produced by the voice based on ten emotional parameters: fear, anxiety, agitation, rage, sadness, awe, excitement, pleasure, joy, and calm, along with five others of a different nature, namely beauty, ugliness, sharing, dispersion and emotional depth.

The participants' performative actions make audible the voices of those living in 'the margins,' deprived of fundamental citizenship rights. Under Piero Mottola's guidance, students of the Degree in Autochthonous, Classical and Popular Music of the Americas at UNTREF and the Fuerte Apache community will work with the fifteen parameters. Their diverse vocal sounds, with a distinct multi-ethnic component, will be recorded and combined with other voices to create an unprecedented composition—a grand choral acoustic impulse. The final result, organized into sixty-four emotional itineraries, transitions from calm and beautiful vocal sounds to the highest emotional and timbral oppositions in a cyclical and non-cyclical journey.

The composition is designed as an unpredictable emotional journey, intending to capture the intricacy and profoundness of ordinary people's voices as they interact across cultural differences. Its goal is to unite these diverse international sounds, creating a significant "human acoustic stimulus", and facilitating a psychophysical immersion in the collective imagination.

It is a "sound cloud," a fragment of our life that momentarily exists in its idealized dimension—an intense union of voices and emotions that transcends geographical and cultural differences. It is a score created, played, and enjoyed by people, intended to engage with each individual's interpretative depth

Km: 18.5

Venue: Cine Paramount

Address : 3 de Febrero 2561

City : Caseros



Piero Mottola (ITA)





From 2023/09/21

To 2023/09/21