Fallen Algae

Opening thursday July 20th 6.30 pm

Life began in water, probably in warm seas. Later, life on Earth was conquered by photosynthetic and chemosynthetic life forms of simple organisms and algae. It was then possible for us animals to join the ensuing trophic chain, and we, in turn, paradoxically learned to botanize and relocate flora. Because of its great plasticity, the plant kingdom was also one of the few that managed to survive major mass extinctions, thus contributing to the preservation of an immeasurable source of bioinformation.

Native, exotic or domestic, marine or terrestrial are just some of the whimsical human classifications for a plant logic without borders of a primarily rhizomatic and polysemic essence in forms and meanings.
Fallen Algae proposes an amphibious botanical encounter at the Museo de Arte Español Enrique Larreta, based on the conceptual axis of the marvellous acclimatisation found within its Moorish Garden in dialogue with the works of French artist Kalie Granier, who lives between California and Paris. As a migrant, she connects with the bull kelp or Nereocystis luetkeana, a species of brown seaweed thriving in oceanic waters and capable of growing up to 50 metres in length. Through the transmutation of matter facilitated by Kalie's artistic practice, the sculptural installation of algae exhibited in the museum engages in a dialogue with the Arabian garden located in the heart of the city of Buenos Aires, which enables us to reflect upon the migratory and adaptive power of plants not only in biological terms, but also with regard to the generation of new aesthetic and dynamic meanings that aids us in perceiving and shaping a more promising world.

Pablo La Padula

Km: 10

Venue: Museo de Arte Español Enrique Larreta

Address : Juramento 2291

City : Buenos Aires



Kalie Granier (FRA)


Pablo La Padula (ARG),



From 2023/07/20

To 2023/10/01