San Antonino

Only presentation Sunday, December 5 from 11 am to 12 pm

San Antonino, a musical performance created by composer Martín Virgili, is a call for attention to the preservation of the tangible and intangible heritage of the Port of Mar del Plata. This collective action, which mobilizes a large part of the local community, intervenes the space of the port sonically using the diverse and varied sound sources typical of the place and of the activities conducted there.

At times, it reminds us of the popular festivals of the area, such as the nautical pilgrimage, the fishermen’s festival, and the water baptism. Whistles, horns and sirens accompany the movement of barges, fishermen, and local inhabitants, challenging us and inviting us to reflect on the gradual decay of cultural assets.

In the words of the artist: “the composition is mobilized by the deteriorated situation of the yellow boats of Mar del Plata and the other tangible and intangible heritage assets of the city’s port”.

Km: 383

Venue: MAR - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Address : Av. Félix U. Camet 800

City : Mar del Plata



Martín Virgili (ARG)


Leandro Martínez Depietri (ARG), Liliana Piñeiro (ARG),

Curatorial axes:

Ways of Living



From 2021/12/05

To 2021/12/05