The Divine Anomaly

Opening October 29th 6pm

Visits: Thursday and Friday from 2pm to 6pm. Saturday, Sunday and Holidays from 2pm to 8pm. 

The Divine Anomaly aims to inquire into emerging aesthetic formations based on computer algorithms, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), and more specifically the aesthetics of their faults, of what is considered an error. Just like an unavoidable accident, the algorithms’ errors can bring forth their essence and reveal themselves as something extraordinary, i.e., an anomaly that has its own potential for emergence and creation. Thus, could some kind of “artificial imagination” exist? Through these new digital tools for artistic creations, The Divine Anomaly invites artists to revisit existing physical artifacts in order to imagine new possibilities of creation, new forms of sculpture and image making. They do not merely work with digital tools; they recognize their capacities and their limits. The anomaly in the “artificial imagination” is then neither an error nor a bug: it is what lies at the heart of the artwork. This is how the anomaly becomes extraordinary, or what is more, a monster; in other words, something to monstrare (in Latin). This assertion amounts to acknowledging the existence of new beings, of new types of sensitivity, of imagination/  The Divine Anomaly invites artists of the 21st century to visit the studio of an artist of the 20th century. Rogelio Yrurtia’s sculptures and Lía Correa Morales’s paintings not only confront these new processes of art making, but also represent the starting point of what the exhibition monstrat (“shows” in Latin). Anthoniy Val

BIENALSUR 2021 presents The Divine Anomaly with the support of the Cultural Heritage Secretariat of the National Ministry of Culture.

Photo: Sculptural Movement - Chapter I-III by Benjamin Verhoeven

Km: 9

Venue: Museo Casa de Yrurtia

Address : O'Higgins 2390

City : Buenos Aires



Sebastián Tedesco (ARG)

Bruno Mesz (ARG)

Lorenzo Papanti (ITA)

Benjamin Verhoeven (BEL)

Laura Focarazzo (ARG)

Lena Szankay (ARG)

Maria Zegna (ARG)


Marina Aguerre (ARG), Anthoniy Val (FRA-BGR),

Curatorial axes:

Art Politics



From 2021/10/29

To 2021/12/30