Opening September 16th 7p.m.
Wednesday to Saturday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm; Sundays from 4 pm to 7 pm.
MUMORA is the Mobile Museum of Hand-Made Lace. It was created in El Cercado, a rural town in the area of Monteros, in the province of Tucumán, with the intention of bringing the textile work of the lace workers to other publics and geographies. Art historiography has given us imaginary, portable, ephemeral museums, among others. Our itinerant device is rooted in this genealogy.
The Hands of Lace Workers Weaving Memories is a polyphonic exhibition in which today's lace and lace workers engage in an active and purposeful dialogue with the lace workers of the past. Each lace worker chose a piece made by a weaver from another time, in some cases absent and in others anonymous. This choice implied the action of reweaving it with their present-day hands. The pieces made here are the evidence of the act of remembering with one's own hands, of re-weaving the past in each knot. Based on the Aymara aphorism qhipnayra (future-past), Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, addresses the permanent updating of the past-as-future through the actions of the present. Thus, through the new-ancient pieces, the lace workers reinstate the authorship of other women, as well as patterns and motifs that belong to other times. MUMORA is a collective project of the community of lace workers of El Cercado of the Department of Clothing and Textile Design of the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán and the Cultural Action Office of the Cultural Agency of Tucumán.
Alejandra Mizrahi