Le la tour du monde

The word is one of the pieces of the game organized around a “force idea” where the site prevails. Joël Andrianomearisoa visits the locations he was asked him to intervene within the framework of BIENALSUR’S territory: the streets of Buenos Aires, the Hotel de Inmigrantes venue of the MUNTREF, the urban spaces of the campus of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and the streets of Cotonou and Ouidah in Benin. A set of white typography texts on a black background appears as a puzzle to be solved.  Those texts, which might mistaken for a form of advertising at first, will then acquires other meanings. The juxtaposed languages are identified and partially understood, and alienation emerges. This process, which is closely related to travel and migration - it is in the language and its uses where a major node of cultural estrangement is located -, represents an invitation to reflect upon the living conditions that we take for granted. Moreover, on both sides of the Atlantic this revision recovers the memories of those journeys compelled by slave trade, exile and forced migrations.

Km: 0

Venue: MUNTREF Centro de Arte Contemporáneo and Museo de la Inmigración. Venue Hotel de Inmigrantes

Address: Av. Antártida Argentina S/N (entre Dirección Nacional de Migraciones y Buquebus)

City: Buenos Aires



Joël Adrianomearisoa (MDG)

From 2017/09/12

To 2018/02/04